Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Isaac update 4:30 8/1

From Dawn (one of the missionaries):

"Isaac was in an ambulance at the hospital prior to being taken to the location for his EEG. The team was gather around praying for the ambulance driver intending to share the gospel with him. Isaac had a seizure. Team prayed for him. Seizure ceased. Gospel was shared. Driver received Christ on the spot!"

I feel like we are walking through the pages of Acts!

Huge Praise! We just got through on the phone to Isaac's room. It was so good to hear his voice. He is exhausted and weak b/c of the seizures and medication, but mind is clear and concern for all of us was expressed along with thankfulness for prayer covering. He had a mild seizure during the EEG and asked Charmaine Landrum if she had been holding his hand through the whole procedure. She had not. Nonetheless he said that there was someone holding his hand through the whole thing.

"When my anxious thoughts mutliply within me, thy consolations delight my soul."Ps 94:19
We hope to hear EEG results this evening. Thank you for praying that we will get word and that God will continue to minister through this brave band of believing young people!


1 comment:

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